The article deals with the issue of human resource management in the context of the theory of generations in the face of challenges and uncertainty. The purpose of the study is to formulate recommendations for the implementation of human resources management in the context of generational theory, taking into account current challenges and conditions of uncertainty, given the needs and prospects for staffing in the near future of the post-war economic and business recovery of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is driven by the need to change traditional approaches to human resources management as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, migration processes, military aggression, digitalisation of the economy and society, and the need to restore the economy and business after the war. The study was conducted using the following general scientific theoretical methods: generalisation, systematisation, synthesis and analysis. The article describes the main provisions of the theory of generations, considers the peculiarities of generations "X", "Y" and "Z", which are currently active participants in the labour market. The specifics of the representatives of generations "Z" and "Alpha", which are considered to be generations of a new type of workers in the conditions of digital society, digital economy and digital management, are considered. The article provides recommendations for the functioning of the personnel management system for the "Z" generation, taking into account their psychological characteristics and important motivational factors. The features, values and priorities of the "Alpha" generation, which has been in the digital environment since childhood and quickly perceives information technology, has experienced the limitations of the pandemic, the impact of war, forced displacement and other force majeure circumstances and will be represented in the labour market as labour resources in the near future, are summarised. The article presents modern aspects of labour migration as a result of military aggression. The practical significance of the study is to formulate recommendations for use in the process of personnel management in the face of various challenges and uncertainties.
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