• Anna Orel Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Viktor Diachenko Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: organic agriculture, organic products, organic farming, market, crop production, production, agricultural products, certification, SWOT analysis, risk management, competitiveness


The article deals with the aspects of organic farming in modern economic conditions. The dynamism of development of the European market of organic agricultural products is established. The pioneers in the "organic" movement were the European Union and the United States. It is in these countries that the organic farming sector has acquired modern features: legislative registration, certification and standardization. The world leaders among the countries producing organic products are identified. The factors of actualization of organic farming in Ukraine are determined. It is noted that the transition to organic farming is an urgent need of modern society. The uncontrolled use of chemicals is a real threat to nature, and the consumption of low-quality food is a threat to human health. The consequences of the transition to organic farming in the transition period are determined. Such consequences require agricultural producers of organic products to monitor soil fertility, phytosanitary condition of crops and product quality. Conducting these studies will allow to evaluate the agroecological efficiency of the used organic farming system and improve the technologies used for growing crops. The consequences of the use of intensive moldboard tillage were determined. It was found that the intensive tillage method led to the development of wind and water erosion, a decrease in soil biodiversity, a decrease in humus content, deterioration of agrophysical properties and water-air regime, and, as a result, to a significant decrease in the yield of field crops in unfavorable years. The basic principles of organic farming are defined. The legislative requirements for the production of organic crop production are defined. It is noted that organic products must be certified by the relevant domestic or international accredited bodies. The influence of organic farming on the quality of food products is determined. A comparison of the cost of the organic method of growing products at different stages of technology development with the traditional method is carried out. A SWOT-analysis of the development of organic production as an element of business diversification for agricultural producers is carried out. The tools for risk management in the production of organic products are identified. The factors that need to be developed to increase the competitiveness of organic products are identified.


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