Keywords: specialized tourism, creative industries, creative projects, tourist demand, creative space


The role of creative economy objects, which determine the growth of tourist flows, fill the national budget and ensure sustainable economic growth of the country is defined in the article. The study aims to analyze the potential of specialized tourism in Ukraine in the context of the development of creative industries. The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. The criteria of creativity and factors of the popularity of creative goods are given, the main participants of the creative economy are characterized, the strategic potential of creative industries is revealed from the point of view of creating regional brands and the concept of specialized tourism. The principles of segmentation of the tourism market are determined based on the selection of individual niches, taking into account the characteristics of the tourism destination and the special needs of tourists, which form a narrow target segment. Attention is focused on sectors of creative industries, which serve as a resource base for the formation and development of certain types of specialized tourism. Attention is also focused on the peculiarities of the development of creative industries in the conditions of war and their role in the formation of the Ukrainian tourism brand. Popular types of creative industries that satisfy the special interest of tourists have been identified: architecture, theater and concert activities, individual artistic activities, functioning of museums. The dynamics of the economic indicators of the development of creative industries, on which the emergence of specialized types of tourism is based, is established to be positive and stable. The practice of the countries of the European Union, which capitalize on the creative and cultural industries through the tourism business, is analyzed. It is shown that Ukraine has a certain experience in creating creative spaces and successful creative projects focused on both domestic and inbound tourism. Proposals for the creation of permanent cultural projects with the aim of increasing tourist demand for "special interest travel" for the sustainable development of cities are provided. The practical significance of the study lies in positive conclusions regarding the possibility of developing specialized tourism, taking into account the best world practices and national characteristics. Strategic directions of cultural and economic policy for the development of creative industries are proposed.


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How to Cite
Vasyl’yeva, O., Domashenko, S., & Kaptiukh, T. (2023). SPECIALIZED TOURISM AS A SYSTEM OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. Economy and Society, (50). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-50-54

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