Keywords: motivation, reward system, reward, principles, reserves of motivational influence


The purpose of the article is to research the theoretical foundations and formulate recommendations for the formation of a reward system as a component of the personnel motivation mechanism. It has been proven that the reward system is an important component of the motivation mechanism, which ensures the active involvement of personnel and the improvement of the efficiency of their activities. The essence and content of the personnel reward system, which is considered as a set of material and non-material rewards that ensure the formation and development of competitive staff motivated to achieve the company's goals, is defined. Such a system should be based on a set of scientific principles: optimality, universality, timeliness, transparency, fairness, differentiation, compliance with the goals of the enterprise and employees, necessary diversity, guarantee, attainability, flexibility, progressiveness. When forming a reward system, one should take into account scientific developments that are reflected in modern substantive and process theories of motivation. The reward system will be effective if it takes into account the actual needs of employees and their level of satisfaction. That is, the reward system should be based on the use of reserves of motivational influence. For managers, the main reserves are professional development, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, salary, recognition and approval of work results, transparent evaluation of work. Additional reserves are the possibility of creative and personal growth, organizational structuring of work. For specialists, the main reserves are wages, recognition and approval of work results, a high level of responsibility, the possibility of creative and personal growth, the level of control over work, transparent evaluation of work. Additional – organizational structuring of work; leadership style; nature of relations with colleagues; nature of relations with management. The work proves that the formation of the employee reward system should combine economic, social-psychological, organizational-administrative and educational-professional aspects of reward.


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How to Cite
Luhova, V., Lebedynska, O., & Churkin, A. (2023). FORMATION OF THE REWARD SYSTEM AS A COMPONENT OF STAFF MOTIVATION MECHANISM. Economy and Society, (49).