Keywords: organization of leisure, digital technologies, offline events, online events, hybrid events, virtual events, event


The article is devoted to topical issues of technology development in the modern world, which contributes to the inseparable coexistence of humans and digital technologies. Today, we have to adapt to new realities that bring the organization of events online, transform internal processes and communications, and actively use digital technologies. It has been established that there are different formats of events in the organization of leisure: offline ‒ real "live" communication and interaction of guests of the event; online ‒ interaction of participants takes place via the Internet; hybrid – two online and offline formats combined into one event; virtual ‒ activities that use virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. Each format has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in terms of logistics, organization, engagement, temptation and budget. It was determined that in modern conditions, hybrid events are the most popular form, where one part of the audience is personally present at the event, and the other part has the opportunity to connect via the Internet. The most popular video communication systems used in hybrid events are analyzed, namely: RingCentral - a universal communication software that offers various online conference services to all its users around the world. Its main advantage is the complete free plan, which can allow up to 500 participants in its meetings; GoToMeeting is a program that allows you to start an online meeting session or connect to it without first installing the program on a local PC, Macbook Pro and iOS, has a mobile version. GoToMeeting allows you to organize video conferences from 10 to 2000 users; ClickMeeting is a platform for online conferences and webinars with integration options, private chat and full desktop access. ClickMeeting allows participants to easily connect with each other, share YouTube videos to make communication more lively and exciting, allows you to create forecasts, analyze event statistics; Vast Conference – a program with a diverse set of solutions for conference communication, brings people and companies together for unprecedented communication with the help of audio conferences and online meetings that include video communication in HD format; FreeConferenceCall is a free conferencing platform with local area codes in more than 80 countries. World-class audio and video conferences for up to 1,000 participants in HD quality; Zoom is a program for organizing video conferences that allows you to connect up to 100 devices simultaneously for free. Any user with a link or conference ID can join a video conference. It has been established that hybrid events have proven themselves as an effective format for organizing leisure time in modern conditions. It should be expected that the hybrid model of organizing events will become a key direction for the next few years.


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How to Cite
Radionova, O., Pysareva, I., & Aleksandrova, S. (2023). DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ORGANIZATION OF LEISURE. Economy and Society, (48).