Keywords: pension provision, pension insurance, pension, pension funds, pension system


The article examines the problems of implementing pension insurance in Ukraine. The main problems of domestic pension provision are outlined, namely, a large share of pensioners among the population of Ukraine and relatively low pension payments. During the period of 2019-2022, a rapid decrease of the elderly population is observed in Ukraine: in 2019, the number of pensioners was 11,334,740, and in 2022, it decreased to 10,687,921. The authors analyzed the average amount of pension payments and the dynamics of the specific weight of pensioners according to the amount of the assigned monthly pensions in their total number for 2017-2022. It was established that in 2017 the average amount of payments in Ukraine per month was UAH 2,479.2, while in 2022 it increased to UAH 4,622.6. It is observed that the largest percentage of pensioners receives a pension in the amount of UAH 2,001 up to UAH 3,000 in 2022 was 38.1%. It was found that the average amount of pension payments for pensioners in Ukraine in 2022 was UAH 4622,6, which is absolutely insufficient for a normal life. The largest average amount of pension payments is observed in the city of Kyiv (above UAH 5,000), Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The lowest average pension payments are in the Ternopil, Chernivtsi, and Zakarpattia regions (about UAH 3,600). The existing pension system in Ukraine is studied, as it consists of three levels, but only the first level actually functions. It was established that only a few insurance operators providing life insurance services operate on the domestic market. The advantages of the operation of the pension plan for the population are given. Having a pension plan for retirees allows you to receive a regular stream of income, contributes to tax benefits for both the employee and the employer, the opportunity to invest funds, protect income from inflation. Proposed measures for the introduction of pension insurance in Ukraine. It is recommended that the national government conduct preventive work with the population to popularize non-state pension insurance with the help of social advertising, stimulate and encourage the work of insurance operators, develop effective tools and mechanisms for the introduction of mandatory pension insurance.


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How to Cite
Miroshnyk, R., & Biska, K. (2023). PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTATION PENSION INSURANCE IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (48).