Keywords: costs, environmental protection activities, budget financing, budget expenses, environmental protection


Certain financial resources are required for the implementation of environmental protection activities, which are directed to the prevention, reduction, elimination of environmental pollution or any other activity related to the prevention of environmental pollution. In Ukraine, at the moment, the main sources of state funding for environmental protection are the state and local budgets. The purpose of the article is to study modern aspects of the essence and classification of costs for financing environmental protection measures, as well as the trends of their changes in Ukraine. The article examines the nature of environmental costs, systematizes the classification of costs for environmental protection activities, analyzes the dynamics of general environmental costs, investigates and analyzes the amount of actual budget costs for environmental protection, and draws appropriate conclusions. The subject of the research is theoretical provisions, methodical approaches and practical recommendations regarding the financial support of environmental measures. The methods used in this study include: systematic, complex – when studying the classification of costs for environmental protection activities; statistical, graphic – for a visual display of the dynamics and structure of expenses for nature protection; method of generalization – when writing conclusions based on the results of the analysis. Relevant conclusions were also made, namely: the issue of financial support for nature protection in modern conditions is defined as one of the most important, since it should ensure not only the coverage of damage caused to the environment, but also contribute to the restoration of natural resources and ensure sustainable ecological development of society. At the same time, the leading role in the process of greening belongs to the state, as it forms and implements environmental policy, determines the conditions for the functioning of financial instruments in the environmental sphere. An important element of ecologically oriented regulation of economic activity should be the mechanism of state financial support of environmental protection measures.


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How to Cite
Babichenko, V., Glukhova, V., & Kravchenko, K. (2023). STATE EXPENDITURE ON NATURE PROTECTION ACTIVITIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (48).