Keywords: entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, social business, social enterprise, business model


The article is devoted to the study of the economic essence of the concept of "social entrepreneurship", as well as to the study of the features of the origin, formation and historical development of social entrepreneurship in the conditions of internationalization and globalization of the world market. It is noted that despite the significant progress of the economic development of most countries of the world, there are significant disparities in the sphere of livelihood and social welfare of various categories of citizens. Social entrepreneurship is a tool capable of working towards achieving social goals and leveling disparities in the social distribution of capital. The following research methods were used in the work on the article: analysis and synthesis, comparison – to compare different scientific approaches to understanding the concept of social entrepreneurship; the method of theoretical generalization – for substantiating the peculiarities and characteristic features of social entrepreneurship, as well as other methods. The article analyzes the history of the emergence and further development of social entrepreneurship. The nature and economic meaning of the concept of "social entrepreneurship" has been explored. Attention is focused on the study of existing scientific approaches to the interpretation of the category "social entrepreneurship", the analysis of the features and differences of each of them. The main criteria for identifying social entrepreneurship and demonstrating its differences from traditional business, state social policy and charitable activities of public organizations have been determined. The position towards the understanding of social entrepreneurship as a specific activity located at the intersection of three sectors of the national economy, namely the sphere of activity of state structures, business and non-profit public organizations (the so-called "third sector") is considered. The practical significance of the results of scientific research consists in the systematization and generalization of existing positions regarding the understanding of social entrepreneurship and the formation of an author's approach to the definition of social entrepreneurship as a specific type of economic activity that combines profit-making with a real focus on solving current social problems. It was concluded that our country, despite the extremely difficult circumstances of today, has good prospects for the development of social entrepreneurship in the near future.


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