Keywords: operational efficiency, operational improvement, business process, operational improvement system, competitiveness, flexible management


The article reveals the origin of the term operational improvement system. Using the decomposition method each part of the term has been defined in scientific frames. Analyzing works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, it has been given the own definition of the term "Operational improvement system". In the article It has been determined the object and the subject of the operational improvement system concept. Moreover, It was determined the core goals and principles of the operational improvement system that correspond to the modern challenges. According to Canvas business model, it has been determined the main directions for the operational improvement on the enterprise. On the basis of the formalization approach, it has been considered the operational improvement system highlighting the key system levels: operational improvement of the main business processes, operational improvement of the supporting business processes and operational improvement business processes of the management. Basing on Ukrainian scientific works, It has been designed the model of the operational improvement system that includes its goals, principles, methods and Deming-Shewhart operational improvement cycle well known, as Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA). In this article it has been analyzed the experience of the operational improvement system implementation of the Ukrainian enterprises from different from several fields of activity, such as: agro-industry, mining, metallurgical sector. Moreover, it has been studied the instruments that Ukrainian enterprises apply during the process of the operational improvement system implementation. After all, it was underlined the key instruments in their improvement systems that allow to maintain leadership in its own spheres of activity. During the operational improvement system instruments analysis it was determined core concepts that co-exists in line with operational improvement system, such as: 6 Sigma, Lean production. Both concepts were compared in the article. All in all, it was outlined the perspective direction for further studies that can move forward the above mention concept of the operational improvement system.


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How to Cite
Osokina, A., & Sklym, M. (2022). OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM AS A TOOL FOR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF THE COMPANY’S BUSINESS PROCESSES. Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-70