Today, strengthening and establishing ties between the countries of the world is becoming important, and their strong interaction contributes to the development of the economy as a whole. A number of problems in Ukraine's foreign trade activity are shown, which may adversely affect the state of foreign trade activity and state security. The article indicates the role and importance of international trade, which is a priority in the generation of foreign economic relations between states. The factors of trade turnover development, the main trends in the development of international trade, the structure of analysis and determination of foreign trade problems in Ukraine are determined. Current trends in international trade and commodity structure of exports and imports are determined. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was possible to determine the conditions that generate the concept of international trade development at the present time. Attention was paid to the need to create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of international trade for its use as a progress of economic development and strengthening the economic condition of the state. The growth rate (decline) of exports and imports of goods for 2021-2022 is detailed. The main ways to overcome the problems of Ukraine's foreign trade and prospects for development in the light of world trends are revealed. Ways to strengthen the Ukrainian economy should be aimed at stimulating the development of processing industries, supporting exports. Based on these studies, a number of certain ways to improve the development of international trade in Ukraine have been proposed. The crisis in Ukraine has given rise to a humanitarian crisis of enormous proportions, and also dealt a serious blow to the global economy. The main burden of suffering and destruction is felt by the people of Ukraine. The hostilities in Ukraine have dealt a severe blow to the global economy, as they have led to higher food prices and a decrease in the availability of goods that Ukraine exports, a decrease in real incomes and inflation, as well as a deterioration in financial capabilities and business confidence. Significant economic losses as a result of the war will negatively affect the future functioning of the Ukrainian food sector, will lead to a decrease in the competitiveness of the food industry in this country. Further research should be directed to the study of the geographical and commodity structure of import and export spheres of goods and services, as well as the construction of a correlation-regression model for the development of foreign trade in Ukraine.
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