Keywords: restaurant business, management, costs, cost, optimization


The article examines the problems of cost management at restaurant enterprises, examines the peculiarity of the operating cycle of restaurants and its influence on the formation of the list of costs that form the production cost and, as a result, the management process and ways of optimizing the costs of restaurant enterprises. Currently, since the coronavirus pandemic and then after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the hospitality industry is in a difficult position and constantly looking for solutions to stay in the market. The authors emphasize that the goal of an enterprise in any branch of the economy is to obtain and maximize profit. There are two ways to achieve this goal: increase revenue or decrease costs, which have many different solutions specific to certain types of activities. But these questions remain open for the restaurant business. If a restaurant company should consider marketing services to increase revenue, then the issue of cost management is very difficult and time-consuming, taking into account the specifics of the restaurant company's activities. Costs are a complex economic category that is one of the most influential factors on the financial results of an enterprise. For effective cost management of the enterprise, it is necessary to consider the concepts of "costs" and "costs". Now it is very problematic to provide a single interpretation of the above concepts. Scientists, specialists, and practitioners often put different meanings into it. That is why the correct division of the concepts of "costs" and "costs" is of great importance. The authors provide ways to optimize costs. The authors emphasize that the board has expenses at the enterprise must not be budgetary or automatic when highlighted articles and proofs limits , and personal through management personnel when studied feasibility of each payment, efficiency everyone costs. Management expenses has compare tactical needs and strategic tasks finding the most optimal option. Management costs in the present restaurants are not reduced to formation assortment of menus, analysis expenses , search decrease cost price dishes during storage their quality , optimization others expenses , increase quantity customers, detection reserves decrease some costs.


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How to Cite
Aleksandrova, S., Svitlychna, V., & Kravtsova, S. (2022). FEATURES AND PROBLEMS OF COST MANAGEMENT IN THE HOSPITALITY . Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-50