Keywords: creativity, creative potential, staff, motivational mechanism, assessment of creative potential


The article focused on the analysis of the problems of the creative potential of personnel, in particular, the concepts of "creativity" and "creative potential" are clarified, and their classification features are summarized. The relationship between intelligence and creativity is analyzed. The components of the creative potential of the staff are highlighted. Creativity is a creative orientation, genetically inherent in all, but most of it is lost under the influence of the environment. Creativity has three components: experience, creative thinking skills and motivation. Common in the description of the concept of creative potential are the following components: originality (unusual way of solving the problem); productivity (ability to generate a large number of ideas); flexibility (ability to produce a variety of ideas and opinions); competence; motivation. Creating a special environment at the enterprise for the development of creativity can include expanding and deepening the necessary competencies and skills of employees, training the employee and stimulate his self-study, the development of creative thinking. This environment is considered as a set of three subsystems: culture, leadership style and values of the organization; management structures and systems (formal and informal); skills and resources of the company (opportunities and limitations). The need to create the company's creative personnel potential through special education and a lifelong learning system through partnership cooperation between the state and the company is emphasized. The importance of developing critical thinking in the personnel management system of the enterprise is emphasized. The factors of the internal and external environment for the development of the creative potential of personnel are analyzed. The need to create a system for the development of the creative potential of personnel at the enterprise is substantiated, the important elements of which are the evaluation of the creative potential of the personnel, the creation of creative groups, and the development of a motivational mechanism for the development of creative potential.


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