Keywords: hotel and tourist business, accommodation facilities, competitiveness, innovative technologies, service, activity of accommodation facilities, quality control


The work is devoted to the analysis of the state and prospects for the development of collective means of accommodation in Ukraine. It should be noted that one of the problems of modern tourism in Ukraine is the lack of accommodation facilities for a small fee in the central parts of the city, which significantly hinders the mobility of tourists, their acquaintance with the architectural and sightseeing monuments of the city. Ukraine has a historical, cultural and recreational potential for the development of the hospitality sector, which makes it possible to increase the tourist flow and create new jobs. For those who want to travel, spending little money, there are small means of accommodation – hostels, capsule and mini-hotels. Young people, students, and pensioners stay in hostels who have limited funds and prefer to get to know the city and its landmarks on their own. Today, a hostel is a small hotel that accommodates all tourists regardless of gender, race, religion, and political beliefs for a modest fee. The existence of hostels makes it possible for representatives of low-income groups of society and young people to travel around the world. Guests are guaranteed quick check-in, daily payment, a comfortable separate bed, clean linen, a shower, a personal safe for storing personal belongings, and collective "rest areas". Recently, hostels have been actively improving the level of service and offering guests a hot breakfast, television and internet. For tourists who don't want to overpay or suffer the inconvenience of staying on the outskirts of the city, there are also capsule hotels that are located close to airports, train stations, business and recreational centers, in areas with a large number of entertainment facilities. Despite the state of emergency in Ukraine, related to the state of war and the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, small accommodation facilities guarantee safe accommodation, compliance with all sanitary and safety regulations, comfort and quality of living, which are currently relevant and of particular importance for tourists .


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How to Cite
Dyakonova, A., Titomir, L., & Zhovtyak, K. (2022). DEVELOPMENT TRENDS AND SERVICE QUALITY OF SMALL HOTELS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (44).