Non-budget non-profit organizations unite individuals and/or legal entities to meet ecological, public, social, cultural, ecological and other interests, needs for political expression of will, religious service, etc. The article presents the main principles of the functioning of non-budget non-profit organizations and the legal requirements for recognizing organizations as non-profit. The peculiarities of financing the activities of non-budget non-profit organizations and their impact on accounting are considered. It is emphasized that due to the specificity of the activities of non-budget non-profit organizations, it is not always possible to adapt the targeted funding accounting methods relevant for commercial enterprises to solve management problems. The catalyst for positive institutional changes in the economy of the sector of non-profit organizations of Ukraine is not only the growth of the number of such entities, but also the improvement of the efficiency of their activities, which directly depends on the amount of funds they attract and their further rational use. Finding and attracting external sources of funding is a critically important part of work in any non-budget non-profit organization. The activities of the latter can be considered effective only under the condition of successful realization of goals in the field of fundraising in parallel with the economical use of funds involved for this purpose. For each type of non-budgetary organizations, both different sources of funding and different approaches to attracting such funding may be inherent. The article reveals the concept of fundraising as the activity of finding and attracting funds for the realization of social functions by non-budget non-profit organizations. A simplified scheme of the financing (fundraising) process to ensure the activities of non-budget non-profit organizations in comparison with the accounting consequences is provided. The nomenclature of fundraising expenses is defined and characteristic features are given for such allocation of such expenses in a separate category, which positions them as expenses related to its activities in the search and attraction of resources for the implementation of socially important projects and provision of current needs.
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