Keywords: competitiveness of personnel, HR-brand, personnel management, personnel stimulation, factors of external influence, factors of internal influence, criteria of personnel efficiency


The article studies competitiveness of personnel in the context of development of HR-brand of the company. It is determined that today the implementation of the strategic goals of ensuring and increasing the long-term competitiveness of the company is largely determined by the efficiency of using the potential of the staff and the level of its competitiveness. It is established that the quality of human resources is important for the formation of competitive personnel. Therefore, the management should pay special attention to the strategy of the company’s personnel development. The right choice of such strategies ensures the most profitable functioning. At the same time, there is a synergistic effect, which is achieved through mutual support and interchangeability of different areas of the company’s activities, its individual units. It is proved that in order to increase the competitiveness of the personnel it is necessary to take into account that at the present stage of development of market relations the training of personnel is an urgent problem of the company’s management. The main approaches to personnel management, as well as factors influencing the stimulation and competitiveness of staff are considered. The competitiveness of personnel is influenced by factors that are divided into three groups according to the source of influence: external factors, internal factors and personal factors. As for personal factors, they can be simultaneously criteria for assessing the competitiveness of staff. However, it is worth paying attention to the mandatory existence of another group of criteria by which one can judge the competitiveness of personnel for the company. These are the criteria of labor efficiency, which, in turn, can be divided into qualitative and quantitative criteria. It is concluded that in order to develop the system of competitiveness of personnel in order to develop the HR-brand of the company, it is necessary to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the current personnel management system and identify areas for its further improvement. Possession of such data, as well as understanding the possibilities and directions of their use in management activities will create prerequisites for the growth of the company’s competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Yakymova, N., Malakhovska, A., Malakhovska, A., & Bilyk, A. (2022). COMPETITIVENESS OF PERSONNEL IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COMPANY’S HR-BRAND DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (44).