Keywords: foreign trade activity, export, import, GDP, trade partners, import structure, export structure, import quota, export quota, marketability index, net trade index, dynamics of foreign trade indicators, statistical indicators


The article is devoted to the study of the general state of affairs in foreign trade activity of France. Theoretical and practical aspects of foreign trade evaluation are considered. It was determined that France is a highly developed country. The values of forein trade for the last few years are estimated. Based on the results of the assessment of each of the indicators, the conclusions for the French economy state are given. On the basis of the analysis, which has been made, it’s concluded that the country takes an active part in the international division of labour and plays an important role in the world market of goods and services. France is largely integrated into the global economic space. Over the years, the French economy is becoming more and more open, and the dependence on imports is also increasing in Europe, which is classified as a post-industrial country. The article considered the structure of the French economy which reflects its post-industrial character. The analysis of the volume of exports and imports leads to the conclusion that France could be ranked as fourth in the world. In addition, the structure of France's export and import were analysed, defining the country’s main partners of foreign trade. The export structure is dominated by products of the chemical industry, equipment, automobiles, agricultural goods, and food. Imports are dominated by industrial raw materials, industrial equipment, consumer goods, transport engineering products, in particular cars. For a better assessment of France's foreign trade the main indicators of the foreign trade development were calculated and evaluated. The dynamics of the main absolute indicators were analysed, as well as the relative indicators of foreign trade activity were calculated and analysed. In particular, the values of export and import for 2000-2021 were considered. Marketability index, net trade index, export quota, import quota, foreign trade quota, coefficient of coverage of import by export have been evaluated. The results of the calculations are presented in the table. Graphically they are shown in the charts. The highest value of export for the entire period is 940,54 billion USD.


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Офіційний сайт Національного інституту статистики та економічних досліджень Міністерства фінансів і економіки Франції (INSEE). URL:

Статистика Світового банку. URL:

Офіційний сайт СОТ. URL:

Konstantakopoulou, I., Argyropoulos, P. (2022). Export performance and growth in the Eurozone for the period 2007-2021. ΚΕPΕ, Greek Economic Outlook, issue 48, pp. 81–101.

Vdovyn, M., Zomchak, L. (2017). Statistical estimation and analysis of foreign trade in EU and Ukraine. Socio-economic potential of crossborder cooperation. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, University of Rzeszow, 137–143.

Konstantakopoulou, I., Magdalinos, T. and Skintzi, G. (2019). Investigation of external trade and export competitiveness of Eurozone countries. KEPE Studies No. 80. ISBN: 978-960-341-124-6.

Arteaga, J.C., Cardozo, M.L. and Diniz, M.J.T. (2020). Exports to China and economic growth in Latin America, unequal effects within the region. International Economics, 164, 1–17.

Vdovyn, M., Zomchak, L. (2022). Export in services of Ukraine: pre-pandemic period, Covid-19 and war. Věda a perspektivy. 8 (15), 48–57. DOI: Available at:

Nikonenko U.M. (2016) The methodological approach to the determination of specific features of the main factors of the competitive position of the national economy. Journal of the Technical University of Gabrovo. Vol. 52. 87–90.

Zomchak L., Drobotii Y. (2020). Regional competitiveness: clustering regions of Ukraine. Modern technologies in the development of economy and human well-being. (Monograph 39), (pp. 20–27). Katowice : Publishing House of University of Technology.

Zhang Niannian, Ling Hu, Ji Nana. (2020). Trends and problems of Global trade liberalization. Marketing (28), 34–35.

Li Jingbo. (2020). Trade liberalization and welfare effects: a literature review. Foreign trade, 000 (001), p. 51–54.

Demir, B., & Javorcik, B. (2020). Trade finance matters: evidence from the COVID-19 crisis. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36 (Supplement 1), S397–S408.

Liu Jiayao (2020). Novel coronavirus pneumonia impact on Global trade and coping strategies. Prices Monthly, (7): 90–94.

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Official website of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research of the French Ministry of Finance and Economy (INSEE). Available at:

World Bank Statistics. Available at:

Official site: World Trade Organіzatіon. Available at:

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How to Cite
Vdovyn, M., & Hrokholska, T. (2022). FOREIGN TRADE ACTIVITY OF FRANCE: MAIN STATISTICAL INDICATORS. Economy and Society, (43).