Keywords: regional economy, crisis, development strategy, priorities, threats, marketing mechanisms


The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize the impact of crisis phenomena on the development of the regional economy, using the example of the current stage of the socio-economic development of Ukraine, and to substantiate the methodological foundations and priorities of the regional economy development of the state in crisis conditions. The actuality of the topic is due to the latest crisis period of the socio-economic development of Ukraine, which began with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and continues to this day in the conditions of a full-scale war. Under these conditions, the issue of substantiating strategic priorities for the development of the regional economy has become particularly relevant. During the research, the methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, forecasting, processing of statistical data, systematic approach were used. The urgency of the problems of forming the priorities of anti-crisis management at the regional level has been proven. The principles and functions of the development of the regional economy in crisis conditions are substantiated, and the main problems that need to be solved are outlined. The regional economy can be interpreted as a system functioning in conditions of instability. In this case, the direction of the system's functioning in crisis conditions will be determined by the level and nature of threats, as well as the specifics of the internal structure of such a system and the stability of its individual components. Four priorities of the post-crisis development of regional socio-economic systems of Ukraine are summarized – guaranteeing security; quick recovery of business activity; preservation of horizontal connections between subjects of economic activity and components of economic systems at different levels; diversification of economic activity in the context of implementing the provisions of sustainable development and taking into account the priority of safety and security. The practical value of the research results lies in the possibility of their application in the practice of state and regional management of the socio-economic development of Ukraine in crisis conditions, in particular in the process of developing strategic documentation and directions and measures of regional policy.


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How to Cite
Grafska, O., Holovchuk, Y., & Harasymchuk, N. (2022). STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE REGIONAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN CRISIS. Economy and Society, (43).