Keywords: life cycle, assessment, analysis, management, environmental aspects, sustainable development, methodology


In the early 2000s, life cycle assessment (LCA) was recognized as one of the science-based approaches, the use of which is appropriate to support management decisions towards a sustainable future. In light of Ukraine's European integration progress, it is important and necessary to spread life cycle assessment practices. The purpose of the article is to illustrate the development of the LCA methodology within the transformation of socio-economic conditions and sustainable development promotion policy context in the world, to demonstrate an interdisciplinary and integrative role of this tool, as well as to outline the measures that can contribute to the spread of the LCA practices in domestic conditions. The decade-long periodization of the LCA methodology development made it possible to identify the main factors contributing to the successful LCA transformation from an isolated procedure implemented in individual companies to a comprehensive and universal tool supporting sustainable management decisions. The following factors are of main importance: political recognition, standardization, and dissemination of knowledge and information. Nowadays public procurement and construction sectors are promising areas of the LCA application. They can serve to implement the "domino" effect and contribute to the more active involvement of other sectors and industries in the LCA conducting. The current stage of the LCA development in Ukraine is rather a “rising attention” period (that took place in the USA and Europe in the 60s of the XX century): there are separate isolated business cases in which the simplest methods of an LCA are used. Strengthening the knowledge exchange via specialized platforms and stimulation of LCA-targeted discussion in business circles and government institutions could help to overcome this gap (between LCA practices in Ukraine and developed countries).


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How to Cite
Koblianska, I. (2022). EVOLUTION OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY: WORLD AND DOMESTIC PERSPECTIVE. Economy and Society, (42). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-42-27