Keywords: investment, investment activity, tourism, recreation, investment activity management


The article is devoted to the analysis, research of problems, and formation of the investment activity management system in Ukraine's recreational sphere. The dynamic processes of adaptation of the economy of Ukraine require the involvement of additional investment resources. Recreation and tourism are desirable areas of investment. The main factor in the success of the investments is the formation of an effective management system in these areas. Actual topics arise during the rehabilitation of our country's economic sectors during the war and their recovery in the post-war period. The main goals of the article are to identify the problems of the management system of investment activity in the recreational sphere of Ukraine and to identify the prospects for an effective solution. Analysis of scientific research and publications (reflecting modern systems of management of investment activity in the recreational sphere of Ukraine, their problems and potential and prospects for development) shows an interest in improving the investment climate in this sphere in Ukraine, searching for opportunities to adapt the world-class experience to domestic conditions. The article contains the following research methods: statistical analysis, comparison, and analogy. The author researched the factors affecting the level of investment attractiveness of the state (particular region or region). The work analyzes the dynamics and structure of investment in the recreational sphere of Ukraine for the period 2018-2021. It was determined that recreational activity is directly or indirectly present in many spheres of human activity in our country. Research has demonstrated the state's main areas of active participation in management processes (planning, organization, and motivation, as well as control and regulation). The author recommends a system for managing the investment attractiveness of the recreational sphere of Ukraine and its regions (oblasts). The proposed system will contribute to the development of the domestic recreational sphere by attracting domestic and foreign investments to it.


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