Keywords: leader, image of the organization, positive internal image, factors, stages of formation and management


The article examines the role of the leader in the formation of the internal image of the organization, highlights the specifics of this process. It has been established that the management of the internal image of the organization in modern conditions becomes an important direction of personnel management and ensures the release of hidden resources of the organization. A number of factors influencing the internal image of the organization are singled out, among which objective factors of the influence of the external environment, as well as organizational, managerial, psychological factors, that is, factors of the internal environment of the organization, can be identified. Identifying the factors that influence the formation and changes of the internal image is one of the key areas of research on the image of the organization, since only on its basis it is possible, firstly, to understand the deep reasons and mechanisms of the emergence of many destructive processes in the organization by managers, and, secondly, development of effective practical tools for managing the internal image of the organization, namely, programs for the formation and management of the internal image. Attention is drawn to the fact that in modern conditions, it is important for the organization to systematize existing improvements in the field of internal image formation and develop a comprehensive program (or strategy) for internal image formation and management. The stages of formation and management of a positive internal image of the organization are singled out (the stage of formation of organizational attitudes, methodological, diagnostic, instrumental, practical, control stages and the stage of operational management). The choice of stages and the definition of the strategy are very important to ensure the success of the formation of the technology of the internal image of the organization because these analytical management procedures largely determine the positive results of management efforts. An important feature of the proposed approach is the inclusion in the image management process of the organization of measures to control the conformity of the internal and external image.


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How to Cite
Yakymova, N., Martseniuk, O., & Kreminskyi, V. (2022). THE ROLE OF THE LEADER IN THE FORMATION OF THE ORGANIZATION’S INTERNAL IMAGE. Economy and Society, (41).