Keywords: tourism, statistics, tourism statistics, tourism development, tourism industry


The article examines the peculiarities of statistical research in the tourism industry. It is substantiated that the statistical indicators used to describe tourism (the number of people placed in accommodation facilities, the number of overnight stays, the number of places in hotels, etc.) do not allow determining its place in the economic life of the country. Methodological regulations of the national system of tourism statistics, which are aimed at carrying out a system of targeted measures in terms of mutual integration of statistical observation systems, were considered. The following main components of the Methodological Provisions are highlighted: definition of terms and concepts; clarifying sources and procedures for obtaining data on the number of visitors (including one-day visitors), overnight stays and visitor expenses; determination of the algorithm for calculating indicators of tourism statistics at the level of regions/regions of Ukraine; formation of the main approaches and principles of compiling an auxiliary account of tourism in accordance with international standards and recommendations. The mobile application "Statistics in a smartphone" developed by the State Statistics Service with the aim of further improving the ease of user access to official state statistical information was studied. The Tourism Barometer of Ukraine was analyzed as a publication that contains data on the contribution of tourism to the overall supply of goods and services within the framework of the national and regional economy, obtained on the basis of the methodology of the auxiliary (satellite) account of tourism. The tourist barometer of Ukraine represents a detailed collection of data on tourist demand (flow of visitors, number of people placed in collective means of accommodation, museum visitors, passenger flow), tourist supply (employment in the tourism industry, investment activity, balance of payments in the industries related to tourism. The necessity is argued implementation of ETIS as a system of indicators suitable for all tourism destinations, encouraging a more intelligent approach to tourism development planning ETIS toolkit was found to provide initial support (guiding principles) and clear explanations of what indicators are (core and secondary ) and how to use them. It also shows how ETIS complements other existing tools and methodologies at international and European levels.


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How to Cite
Marusei, T. (2022). FEATURES OF STATISTICAL RESEARCH IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (40). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-40-72