Keywords: ecological tourism, sustainable development, structural-functional model, strategic management, problems of tourism development, tourist infrastructure


The transition of consumers to the concept of thoughtful consumption, on the one hand, and the ecological awareness of subjects of ecotourism activity, on the other hand, should gradually become part of modern society, as well as a component of the strategy of enterprises in various industries, in particular tourism, hotel and restaurant, because it creates conditions for strengthening competitive advantages based on the use of greening principles. Enterprises providing ecological accommodation and catering services should aim not only to comply with modern trends, but also to create and implement a sustainable development strategy with a real opportunity to reduce resource, labor, and financial costs, and, as a result, to get more profit and take care of the environment . This determines the relevance of the research. The purpose of the scientific research is the formation of scientifically based proposals for improving the strategic management of objects of ecotourism activity. The use of structural-functional modeling in the course of the research made it possible to identify shortcomings in the organization of tourist activities and find ways of improvement in order to achieve more efficient and rational functioning. Any organizationally complex system of actions and interactions, in particular the management of tourist activities, requires the modeling of processes that are an integral part of its functioning. Establishing a system of providing services in the field of ecotourism activities at the exit gives an integrated effect, which in general contributes to the creation of jobs, the establishment of small businesses, the growth of the country's economy, and the expansion of international relations. On the basis of the author's survey, the demand of potential ecotourists was investigated and the respondents' ignorance of the presence of ecolocations for recreation in the territory of Zhytomyr region, as well as ignorance of accommodation and catering establishments that use ecological standards of economic activity, was revealed. The practical value of the article lies in the identification of obstacles in the development of ecological tourism, the formation of proposals for improving the strategic management of objects of ecotourism activity, the reflection of the wishes of the respondents to improve the conditions for comfortable and interesting leisure time and to improve the landscaping at the place of residence.


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