Customs have major role in optimizing supply chains. Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)is a new form of cooperation between business and the authorities, and allows to significantly reduce the administrative pressure on all sides of the customs clearance process. The main goal of implementing a national AEO system is to encourage businesses to maintain a high level of security of the supply chain in international trade. Currently, the AEO system is implemented in the EU and most of developed countries. This system creates a partnership between customs authorities and business in area of customs procedures. The bottom line is that companies that comply with the law, keep quality measurement, processing, and communication of financial and non-financial information about economic entities, are financially stable and maintain a high level of security, are recognized by the state as "reliable". Such companies can get benefits, such as simplifications of customs procedures, for example, get the opportunity to go through customs clearance on its territory and cross the border through the separate green corridors. It allows companies to increase the speed of international transportation of goods. Also, it creates opportunity for regulators to spend less time on customs clearance for to reliable companies. High-quality implementation of such a system requires the government to get feedback and cooperate with business representatives based on the principles of mutual respect, transparency, fairness and responsibility in order to develop a localized version of the basic conditions for AEO certification, understanding and solving problems. In Ukraine, this system has also been implemented, but de facto does not work and requires full implementation on the model of European countries. Among other things, this concerns the adaptation of the mechanism for checking candidates for AEO status. This paper discovers the general model of the process of obtaining the status and further control of compliance with the requirements, as well as international experience in the mechanisms of verification of candidates within the general model. We provided specific recommendations for the development of the national AEO program in Ukraine.
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