The article is devoted to the study of current problems, trends and main directions of overcoming unemployment in Ukraine. The basic reasons are outlined, as well as the positive and negative aspects of the increase in the unemployment rate are summarized. It is established that full-scale military actions combined with the global economic crisis and the consequences of the pandemic, so far, lead to a significant deterioration in the social situation and contribute to the deepening of the long-term economic crisis in the country. The result of the destabilization of the economy is a significant decline in innovation and investment attractiveness, a decrease in the level of production, the level and quality of life of the population, a significant increase in inflationary processes and the unemployment rate. A comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of the labor force and the unemployment rate over a number of recent years is carried out. It is established that the difficult situation on the labor market of Ukraine, which was caused by significant transformational changes in the socio-economic and socio-political spheres, has significantly worsened and become almost critical as a result of full-scale military operations. It is determined that the unemployment rate that existed in the country before the start of large-scale military operations remained relatively stable with slight fluctuations over the years, but the military situation has a very negative impact on these processes. The analysis of the number of unemployed people based on the main reasons for unemployment and the duration of job search is carried out. It is established that for a significant part of the working – age population, working abroad is an opportunity to unlock their own potential, gain new modern competencies, achieve career growth, and gain a certain social experience. The assessment of the state and dynamics of labor supply and demand in Ukraine is carried out. A mechanism for ensuring employment in Ukraine has been developed. It is proved that it is the tools of active influence on employment that have a higher level of both economic and social efficiency. The main reasons for the high unemployment rate in Ukraine are summarized. Urgent measures aimed at increasing the level of employment are proposed, which should be addressed comprehensively and systematically, which will significantly improve the overall situation and contribute to improving both the economic and social levels of development of society.
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