Gastronomic tourism is a type of tourism that is interconnected with visiting different countries in order to get acquainted with national dishes, products and drinks. From the organizational point of view, gastronomic tourism provides getting acquainted with the peculiarities of local food technology, history and traditions of their consumption, attending culinary festivals and various events, as well as possible participation of tourists in the preparation of national dishes. Gastronomic tourism should be considered as an auxiliary tool in learning about the cultural heritage of countries and regions of the world, as the dishes of national cuisine are one of the elements that reflect the way of life, worldview, traditions and partly culture. The purpose and tasks – to estimate a condition of development of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine and to outline prospects of its development taking into account the international experience. Therefore, the article analyzes the basic trends in the development of gastronomic tourism in the world and in Ukraine. It is argued that the strategic goal of tourism development in Ukraine is to create a product that is competitive on the world market, able to meet the tourist needs of the population, ensure integrated development of territories and their socio-economic interests while preserving economic balance and historical and cultural heritage. The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2021 awards, held in Antwerp on October 5, 2021, identified the top ten restaurants in developed countries and identified ways to improve the restaurant business in Ukraine. In general, it is proved that the development of the culinary sphere has a significant contribution to the economic development of our country, as in the structure of production the country's GDP is more than 8.8%. Our country is rich in its dishes and has great potential for the development of gastronomic tourism. Therefore, in-depth study of the main world trends in gastronomic tourism will allow to use them for the practice of developing the domestic tourism market. In the long run, this will help improve the country's tourist image and increase tourist flows. As a result, based on the analysis, forecasts were made for the further development of food tourism.
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