Keywords: viral marketing, marketing communications, content, marketing, social networks


The article considers the features of viral marketing as a tool of marketing communications. Attention is drawn to increasing the relevance of viral marketing along with traditional methods of marketing communications. It is noted that marketing techniques that use social networks to quickly spread information about the brand is gaining popularity. Viral marketing is based on the assumption that a person is so infected with the idea of an advertising product that consciously or unconsciously disseminates information about it and becomes an active advertiser. The widespread use of viral marketing has been growing rapidly in recent years, due to the growing popularity of online communities and blogs. In addition, it is a less expensive way of marketing. Viral marketing is popular in many countries and Ukraine is no exception. Viral marketing is gaining more and more popularity thanks to social networks, where information spreads in seconds. The main reasons for the high popularity of viral advertising are relatively low cost, positive perception, durability. The effect of viral marketing is quite large, because as a result it turns out that its impact exceeds the cost of preparing marketing activities and their implementation. The use of viral marketing in today's market is possible through the following rules: defining the real goals and timing of viral campaigns; clear understanding of the needs and requirements of potential consumers; the use of low-cost methods, because creativity with zest is the best replacement for a large financial investment; consumer intrigue. Viral marketing is an ideal marketing option for those who are bold in their views and ready to show the usual product or service in a new light. People by nature seek the sublime and the unusual, so in order to convince them to use a particular product, it is necessary to arouse interest in the most unobtrusive, but very memorable and effective way. Advertising is not limited to banners on the streets and commercials on television. This article discusses the principles of the impact of viral marketing on potential consumers, its popularity in the market. Examples of successful marketing campaigns involving viral marketing are given. Conclusions are made and prospects of further researches are defined.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y. (2022). VIRAL MARKETING: PRINCIPLES AND FEATURES OF USING. Economy and Society, (37).