Keywords: biofuel, biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, digestate, crop rotation, strategy, energy independence, energy crops


The purpose of this article is to develop directions for the production and processing of agricultural products for biofuels in order to increase Ukraine's energy independence in the face of energy shortages and refusal to buy them from the aggressor countries. The relevance of the study lies in the need for directions of development in the short and long term regarding the partial supply of energy to the state economy, agro-industrial complex in the first place, which will be produced from agro-industrial sector. In the process of research the set of general scientific and special methods was used: economic analysis – in determining the efficiency of agricultural enterprises focused on the production of biofuels; analysis and synthesis – with a combination of components of economic phenomena in a single process; graphic – with a visual display of individual indicators of development of processing enterprises of agriculture; grouping – when the dependence of the efficiency of sugar and alcohol plants on the implementation of restructuring measures is established; deductive – in the theoretical understanding of the problem and clarification of certain concepts; inductive – in the collection, systematization and processing of information. The obtained results include a set of directions for the implementation of measures in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine's economy focused on the production of biofuels in order to increase the competitiveness of production and reduce energy dependence. The potential of agrobiomass for biofuel production has been studied. Measures to modernize sugar and alcohol plants with a focus on the production of alternative energy sources are proposed. The necessity of using digestate as a means of increasing crop yields is substantiated. The expediency of creating biogas plants at livestock complexes has been determined. The economic feasibility of processing oilseeds for biodiesel and meal to provide agricultural formations with biodiesel and highly concentrated feed for the livestock industry is practical. The developed directions of development of biofuel production can become a supplement to the current Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2035 "Security, energy efficiency, competitiveness".


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