Keywords: management, personnel, enterprise, human resources management, human resources management system


Human resources management has a complex and systematic character and occupies a leading position in the overall structure of enterprise management which requires further research for implementation in the practice of enterprises. The aim of the article is to study the essence of the concept of personnel management and the role of HR management system in the modern structure of enterprise management. The essence of the concept of "human resources management" is investigated in the article. In general human resources management can be considered as a comprehensive system that includes various areas, forms and types of organizational interaction with employees to provide the required number of skilled workers who must be motivated to perform the necessary production functions and ensure the necessary production behavior. The combination of experience of domestic and foreign theorists and practitioners allows to formulate the main goal of human resources management – to create, develop and use the company's staff and its potential. The successful operation of the enterprise depends on many factors, among which one of the most important is the availability of personnel management system. The main directions of the human resources management system at the enterprise and groups of human resources management methods are considered. The main components of the human resources management system and the structure of functional subsystems of human resources management of the enterprise are highlighted. Each subsystem has a multi-stage structure with different activities. The structure of the goals of the human resources management system is presented. The elements of the human resources management system of the enterprise and their characteristics are considered. It is concluded that human resources management is a complex systemic, planned and organized impact through interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the formation, distribution, redistribution of enterprise personnel and creating conditions for effective use of employee qualities to ensure effective management and development enterprises.


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How to Cite
Hlushchenko, L., Piliavoz, T., & Koval, N. (2022). PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE MODERN STRUCTURE OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (35).