Reformation processes in the light more actualize the process of predicting future lighting in the territorial communities and looking for wild models of lighting management. The article is devoted to forecasting the future of education in Ukrainian communities. The average class size in the world was analyzed and it was established that due to the demographic crisis Ukraine has one of the lowest student class sizes in the world. The "understaffing" of classes is the number one problem in rural and urban communities. About 120 schools in Ukraine have an projected average occupancy rate of less than 5 students by 2024. The number of understaffed schools will increase from year to year. It is noted that along with the insufficient number of students, the most acute problem of schools in small territorial communities in Ukraine is the lack of human resources, as well as unsatisfactory school infrastructure. One understaffed primary school class costs the community about UAH 350,000 annually, and an understaffed secondary school class costs about UAH 500,000. Such spending on education hampers other areas of community life. From the economic point of view, it is more profitable to close or reduce the number of understaffed schools, but, in our opinion, such decisions should be made very carefully by local authorities, depending on the specific situation in a particular OTG and its financial capacity. Emphasis that the solution to this problem is the reorganization of school networks. The positive experience of Poland in this is studied. The model of reorganization based on the creation of support schools is outlined, which will improve the material condition of the school, improve the quality of teaching staff, increase the competitiveness of educators' salaries, professional development, and, of course, improve the quality of education in communities. Supporting educational institutions also have the opportunity to receive additional funding from the state budget - by participating in various project competitions. And in general, the more efficiently the community's finances are organized, the better the educational conditions and, consequently, the better the future of its children.
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