Keywords: conflict, functions of the conflict, conflict resolution, conflict within the enterprise, the enterprise, ways out of the conflict situation, temporary personnel


The article is devoted to the study of the features of conflicts in the enterprise and the means of their resolution. Today, all aspects of this matter have not yet been clarified, in particular, the issue of resolving conflicts at an enterprise has not been sufficiently studied. The article defined of the concept of "conflict" and discloses the features of the conflict at the enterprise; the main reasons for the occurrence of conflict situations at the enterprise and their main features are considered; the main functions of the conflict are listed and K. Thomas's approach to the study of conflict phenomena; the results of a study of the level of severity of conflict in the enterprise and ways of getting out of a conflict situation are presented. The basis of the study was the company – Rost Retail, conducts its activities in the field of outsourcing of temporary personnel. Conflict at the enterprise is a conscious contradiction between team members, accompanied by attempts to resolve it against the background of emotional relationships within the organization or between organizational space. The practical significance of the work consists in the possibility of using the results obtained for the development of training programs to reduce the level of conflict in the enterprise, emotional regulation, as well as the formation of positive attitudes towards each other and the choice of strategies related to conflict resolution. Since empirical research has shown that there are researchers in the team of the enterprise who have an increased level of personal conflict, an important direction of prevention on the part of the leadership is to work to overcome conflicts and develop the skills of effective conflict-free communication among team members. Training programs, socio-psychological trainings can be considered as means of implementation, trainings of behavior and business games, during which different models of conflicts are created, and the task of the participants is to develop a constructive exit from the conflict.


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Liseniy, E., & Lisenaya, A. (2022). FEATURES OF CONFLICTS IN THE ENTERPRISE AND WAYS TO SOLVE THEM. Economy and Society, (35). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-35-5