Keywords: innovation, outsourcing, innovative outsourcing, innovation process, outsourcer


Changes in the business environment encourages enterprises to innovation activity in order to strengthen competitive position. At the same time, limited own resources necessitate the search for effective ways to optimize costs and improve performance. Under these circumstances, the role of outsourcing as a tool for enterprise management and activation of its innovation processes is growing. The purpose of the article is to develop the conceptual provisions of innovative outsourcing in the context of society’s transition to an innovative development model. To achieve it, we used the methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well comparative-critical analysis, system approach. The analysis of different author's approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "outsourcing" allowed determining its main characteristics. The expediency of outsourcing use in the innovative activity of the enterprise is substantiated. The defining motives that motivate the management of an enterprise to use the services of outsourcing companies are: lack of own scientific and technical potential and complexity of R&D, lack of financial resources, risk allocation, cost reduction, reduction of the innovation cycle or its individual stages, the ability to quickly bring innovations to market. Innovative outsourcing due to its increased risk involves closer cooperation between the company and the outsourcing organization. A key tool for evaluating and managing the quality of outsourcing services is the service level agreement. In the conditions of transformation processes, the most expedient and economically justified is the gradual introduction of outsourcing in the practice of enterprises: the transfer of business processes should begin with less risky, non-core, and only then move to risky. Despite certain problems and risks, innovative outsourcing is an effective tool for strengthening the market position of the enterprise in conditions of limited innovation opportunities. The results of scientific research can be used for activation of innovation processes at the enterprise level.


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