• Yosyf Sytnyk Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Stepan Pryharnyi Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Zakharii Dmytryshyn Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: personnel, personnel development, training, motivation, productivity, corporate culture, engagement, program, innovation


The article is devoted to topical issues of personnel development in the conditions of social, economic and technological transformations. A combination of various methods of training and staff development is considered, which enables enterprises to adapt to different learning styles and needs of their employees and is a key factor in maintaining a high level of motivation and productivity of staff. The dynamics of training and development programs were analyzed using the example of a retail network, which indicates the expansion of these initiatives in recent years. It was found that the increase in the number of programs indicates the company's strategic approach to personnel development. Therefore, it not only shows the company's commitment to its employees, but also contributes to the creation of a strong, competent and motivated workforce. The relationship between personnel development and the corporate culture of the enterprise was studied. After all, corporate culture forms the environment in which personnel development takes place, while personnel development initiatives influence the formation and maintenance of corporate culture. It was determined that the components of corporate culture are: leadership development, shared values, communication and cooperation, adaptation to changes, recognition and motivation, support for learning and development, social responsibility. A trend of positive growth in employee engagement was revealed, which indicates the company's activity in improving conditions and a favorable environment in the company. It has been studied that one of the key elements of effective training is its relevance to current job requirements and career goals of employees. Another important aspect is the regular updating of training programs to meet changes in technology and market conditions. At the same time, training aimed at improving professional qualifications and developing skills contributed to the growth of employees' independence in solving work tasks, which also led to an increase in overall work efficiency. It was found that investments in training and development of employees have a positive effect on their motivation and loyalty in the company environment.


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How to Cite
Sytnyk, Y., Pryharnyi, S., & Dmytryshyn, Z. (2023). PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT METHODS IN TRANSFORMATION CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (57).