Keywords: financial management, activities of sales enterprises, management of sales activities of an enterprise, processes of management of sales activities of an enterprise, principles of sales activities of an enterprise


The article is devoted to topical issues of financial management in the system of ensuring the activities of sales enterprises. On the basis of the theoretical developments of scientists, approaches to the interpretation of the concept of sales activity are distinguished. It was determined that among the existing sufficient number of publications, sales activity is considered as the practice of exchanging material values and services, or a special type of activity, which depends on the final results of the economic activity of the enterprise as a whole. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific works of scientists, which was carried out in order to identify the current state of the process of managing the sales activities of the enterprise, the primary tasks of the financial management of sales enterprises in the conditions of war were determined. The concept of «management of sales activity» was studied in order to form methods of managerial influence on the main activity of the enterprise and the basis for the application of certain functions of management of the enterprise's sales activity. The necessity of considering the management of the sales activity of the enterprise as a certain cycle and a continuous process, which includes situational analysis, the formation of specific sales goals, the comparison of sales goals with the actual situation at the company, the selection of priority measures, the determination of sources of their financing, the planning of sales activities, the development of measures to eliminate deviations of goals from the real situation, allocation of financial and other resources to overcome deviations obtained as a result of the analysis, implementation of planned measures, control and analysis of the implementation of achieved goals. Stages of product sales management are defined, which are implemented sequentially and require control over their implementation. It is suggested that among the principles of sales activity, which are relevant in war conditions, the following should be distinguished: timeliness, the principle of comprehensiveness, the range of supplies and the rhythm of supplies. It has been proven that the financial management of the enterprise, which carries out sales activities, consists in the regular search for new management elements and action plans that have an impact on the process of realizing the modern position of the enterprise on the market.


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How to Cite
Zaichko, I., & Bohrinovtseva, L. (2022). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF SALES ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (45).