Keywords: business, management, model, economic potential, security, economic security


The article is devoted to the elaboration of the latest studies devoted to the provision of economic potential in the management system of economic security of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the model of ensuring economic potential in the system of economic security of the enterprise. The authors' approaches to the essence of the concepts "economic potential" and "economic security" are considered. The structural components of the approach to the assessment of the economic potential in the economic security system of the enterprise are disclosed. It is noted that the economic development potential of the enterprise in the system of managing its security appears as a complex system determined by many elements that have different characteristics, determining the capabilities of the enterprise to ensure development in the long term, as a tool for managing its economic security. It is proposed to identify the location and influence of the level of economic potential in the system of economic security to use a problem-analytical approach, the implementation of which allowed to propose models of the influence of external factors on the economic potential in the system of economic security. A distinctive feature of the developed and proposed approach is that its application allows you to analyze the components of the potential and determine the economic potential in the system of economic security in two directions - by state level (high, medium, low) and value. The application of the proposed approach in the practical activities of enterprises can be a tool for justifying analytical decisions in the field of managing the potential of enterprises in the system of economic security of the enterprise. Further research is proposed to be directed to the selection of specific tools for assessing the level of economic potential in the economic security management system of the enterprise, depending on the conditions of the enterprise's functioning.


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How to Cite
Piletska, S., Korytko, T., & Lukarzhevska-Mialyk, V. (2022). ECONOMIC POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISE IN YOGO SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Economy and Society, (44).