Keywords: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), National Accounting Standards, financial statements, consolidated financial statements, convergence


Ukraine's integration into the European Community requires Ukrainian companies to implement changes in the field of corporate governance. One of the main components that characterizes the company and is important for users is clear reporting. Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is not mandatory for all companies, but reporting in this form is increasingly seen by potential foreign investors or banks or other financial institutions when lending. The harmonization of accounting and financial reporting of economic entities is closely linked to the globalization of economic processes and the global economy. Financial statements are a structured reflection of the financial position and financial performance of an entity. The optimal direction of development of the national system of accounting and financial reporting, taking into account the world experience, is its harmonization with IFRS, ie approximation of systems, instead of their full implementation. The purpose of the article is to study the concepts of convergence of accounting and financial reporting systems according to NAS and IFRS. The constituent elements of international accounting and financial reporting standards are summarized. The benefits of IFRS are identified. The topical issues of application of IFRS in Ukraine due to the imperfection of the transformation of financial statements to the requirements of IFRS, which leads to a number of technical nuances associated with their application. The companies that are required to apply IFRS are described. The processes of harmonization, standardization and convergence of IFRS are studied. It is established that in order to transition to international standards of accounting and financial reporting, enterprises need to go through a long way of adaptation and fully harmonize their work in accordance with international standards. As previously noted, painstaking work is being done in this direction. Businesses should clearly understand that the main condition for their effective management, attraction of investment resources is the reflection of the accounting system of reliable and complete information that users want to explore.


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How to Cite
Shushakova, I., Ziabchenkova, G., & Kuzub, M. (2021). CONCEPTS OF APPROXIMATION OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEMS. Economy and Society, (30).