Keywords: investment project, reserve contributions, financing, labor relations, volunteering, incentives, cultural institutions


The article deals with the optimization of foreign investment management mechanisms for the development of the service sector in Ukraine. In the conditions of post-crisis reconstruction of the country's economy, foreign investments become an important factor in accelerating economic growth and modernization of infrastructure. The study analyzed the main obstacles to attracting foreign capital in the service sector and identified ways to overcome them. It is proposed to improve investment management mechanisms, including transparency of regulatory procedures, creation of a favorable investment climate, as well as strengthening of public-private partnership. The implementation of these measures will contribute not only to attracting new investments, but also to increasing the efficiency of their use for the long-term development of the service sector. The role of volunteering in the development of the service sector is also explored, especially in the conditions of socio-economic challenges and crisis periods. Volunteer activity is considered as an important tool for supporting and stimulating the development of public service, tourism and social services. Examples of effective volunteer support in various branches of the service sector, in particular in educational programs, were analyzed. Special attention is paid to the interaction of volunteers with business and state institutions to ensure the sustainable development of the sector. The conclusions emphasize the need for further involvement of volunteer resources to improve the quality and availability of services. In the conditions of globalization and economic integration, an important factor in the development of national economies is the attraction of foreign investments. The services and maintenance sector plays a key role in the structure of the modern economy, therefore effective management of foreign investments in this sector is important to ensure sustainable economic growth. The purpose of the study is to analyze the existing mechanisms of foreign investment management and develop recommendations for their optimization to increase the competitiveness of the service sector. The paper examines the theoretical aspects of investment management, the impact of foreign capital on economic development, and suggests tools for increasing the effectiveness of investment policy. In particular, attention is paid to the creation of a favorable investment climate, improvement of the legal and institutional framework, as well as the use of digital technologies to improve investment management. The results of the study can be used by state authorities, investment companies and other interested parties to improve the efficiency of attracting and using foreign investments in the service sector, which will contribute to the development of the economy as a whole.


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How to Cite
Kotvytska, N., Ternovyy, S., & Denisyuk, O. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SERVICE SECTOR. Economy and Society, (67). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-67-11