Keywords: taxes, customs payments, taxation, management, optimization, efficiency, planning


The purpose of this scientific article is to study the problems of forming tax planning systems for enterprises with a view to optimizing customs payments. The research methods used were analytical. The economic essence of taxes (customs duties) is the manifestation of withdrawal/alienation of a part of the income of enterprises and organizations in favor of the country. This is done to ensure the normal functioning and development of the country. Therefore, it is important for companies to skillfully optimize customs payments (of course, this also applies to other tax payments), which will help minimize the costs (especially in a crisis) associated with their payment. Therefore, the subject matter of this paper is relevant and timely for research. Optimization of the tax (including customs) burden is an urgent task for research, and it occupies a leading position among other tasks of financial management of any enterprise engaged in foreign economic activity (primarily import operations). The article deals with the issues of forming tax planning systems for enterprises with a view to optimizing customs payments. The essence and benefits of this process in the long run at the micro and macro levels are investigated. The author analyzes the main tools of customs and tax planning of an enterprise in the context of optimization of customs payments. A legally permissible, justified reduction of customs payments by an enterprise will improve its financial and economic status as a customs payer. The ways of optimizing customs payments are considered. A tax planning scheme for optimizing customs payments of an enterprise is proposed. The benefits of optimizing customs payments at the state level in the long run through increased levels of financial stability, liquidity of enterprises, and improvement of other indicators are presented. The practical results are that the recommendations facilitate further development and expansion of enterprises (increase in their volumes of production, economic and foreign economic activity, and, as a result, multiplication and increase of new customs and tax payments in the future).


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