Keywords: fodder, pets, roduction, trends, consumer preferences, development


The article addresses current issues related to defining the competitive advantages of domestic manufacturers in the pet food industry and outlining directions for their strategic management based on SWOT analysis. It is noted that significant growth has occurred in both the global pet food industry and in Ukraine in recent years. The leaders among domestic pet food manufacturers are examined, along with strategies to ensure their competitive positions in the market. The capacity and dynamics of the pet food industry in Ukraine are analysed, highlighting key aspects of the activities of several domestic pet food manufacturers during the wartime period. The article presents perspectives on market development and identifies the current state of competition in the Ukrainian market for pet food. This includes dynamic changes in the external and internal environments of enterprises, shifts in consumer preferences and demands regarding product and service characteristics. As a result, companies need to determine their own competitive advantages and disadvantages. The research has explored the specific competitive advantages that allow ensuring the uniqueness and resilience of the pet food industry's products to external challenges and meeting the specific requirements of customers. The process of forming competitive advantages is of particular importance based on considering changes in consumer preferences and continuous monitoring of market trends, determining the positions of competitors, and more. An analysis of the state and trends of the Ukrainian market for pet food and an evaluation of Kormotech's opportunities based on internal influencing factors allowed for a SWOT analysis. This analysis forms the basis for developing the company's management strategies. Reserves for improving the efficiency of Kormotech's activities are outlined, and specific aspects of the forecast for the development of the pet food industry in Ukraine are provided.


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How to Cite
Kobylyukh, O. (2023). SWOT ANALYSIS AS A TOOL FOR CHOOSING A DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE PETFOOD INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-2