Unfortunately, in Ukraine, family psychology, as a direction of human resources management and the foundation of the success of any company, began to be actively discussed with the beginning of the "quarantine" times, and with the beginning and deployment of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, it began to have an international character. In America and Europe, taking care of the mental health of employees is a common practice for corporate culture. Therefore, the topic of this article is currently very relevant. The limited liability company "Institute of Family Psychology and Counseling" is engaged in an important business, as it helps people survive crisis stages in their lives, cope with constant stress, reduces the number of divorces in Ukraine, which, in general, is already increasing every year. This is an example of a medium-sized business in Ukraine that survives in difficult times. Therefore, strategic analysis is very important for ISPK LLC, as it will provide an opportunity to continue to develop, despite unfavorable conditions. The article, written by Vinnychenko Lolita, is dedicated to the study of the activities of the Limited Liability Company "Institute of Family Psychology and Counseling". The paper defined the main tasks of the company and analyzed the range of services provided by the Limited Liability Company "Institute of Family Psychology and Counseling". The importance of strategic analysis was also analyzed and a strategic analysis of the activities of ISPK LLC was carried out. Strategic analysis and planning was carried out using the method of strategic assessment of the enterprise, according to which 4 sections of the analysis and sixteen indicators were allocated. After the analysis, the main strategic directions of development for the Limited Liability Company "Institute of Family Psychology and Counseling" were determined. The influence of the coronavirus disease pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war on the development of the enterprise and its future strategy is determined. The conclusion of this article provided recommendations for further development and strategy, and identified the importance of helping military wives, military personnel, and ordinary civilians who were in dangerous zones or under occupation during wartime.
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