Keywords: soft skills, marketing, marketing specialist, creative thinking, critical thinking, sociability, teamwork


The development of information technology, the replacement of routine operations with artificial intelligence, the fundamental transformation of professions leads to the need to form in the marketer such skills that will allow him to adapt and be in demand in the labor market. Such skills have been found to be so-called soft skills. The study of different approaches to the formulation of soft skills and hard skills allowed to determine that the hard skills of a marketer – is the technical knowledge, skills and abilities to use modern tools for marketing management in general and perform certain functional tasks in different applications. Soft skills are a set of skills and personal characteristics of a marketer, the possession of which leads to success in the workplace. That is, having soft skills allows to use technical skills and knowledge as effectively as possible. The main features of Soft skills are highlighted: non-technical competencies; belong to a set of personality traits; difficult to measure, assessment is often subjective; permission to be successful in workplace; are not mandatory, but determine in combination with special skills the professionalism of the worker; increase work efficiency; are valuable in any workplace; useful not only for work but for daily life as well. A study of the requirements for a marketer to have soft skills in the labor market of the city of Kharkiv. It is concluded that most employers understand the need for soft skills in potential employees and pay significant attention to this criterion. Thus, in almost all vacancies, 20-30% are the requirements for the candidate to have soft skills. As a result, the most popular skills are established. The analysis of world experience of development of skills of the 21st century in educational programs is executed. As a result, a system of soft skills of a marketing specialist is proposed. Soft skills for the highest order marketer have been established, which are: critical thinking and decision-making ability, creativity, sociability and cooperation (ability to work in a team). They allow to solve complex professional problems. The identified competencies are characterized in terms of their components and the ability to assess marketing professionals.


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How to Cite
Mozgova, G., Yevtushenko, V., & Mozgova, A. (2020). FORMATION OF SOFT SKILLS MARKETING PROFESSIONAL ON THE BASIS OF COMPETENCE APPROACH. Economy and Society, (22).