Keywords: wedding tourism, event tourism, wedding ceremonies, tourism, development


The article analyzes the development of wedding tourism in Ukraine. Wedding tourism in the world is developing at a rapid pace and attracts more tourists every year. In Ukraine, wedding tourism is part of the domestic market slowly, therefore the market of foreign wedding tours prevails. For the development of domestic tourism, it is necessary to create and develop up-to-date domestic tourists who will satisfy the needs of modern domestic tourists. Wedding tourism is interesting for the organization and conducting of the economic and social party that such an event along with newlyweds attend relatives and guests whose number may be different. In addition to visiting the very event, they need to accommodate, meals and other measures to organize free time, they will spend their funds. To analyze the market of wedding services and wedding tourism, the article analyzes the statistical data of the state statistical service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the most popular wedding sites, such as: wedding organization site – Hot Wedding, BestWedding, Wedding, Yes-yes and others. The number of marriages in Ukraine over the past three years by regions has been analyzed. The number of marriages is much more registered in the regions where the city is more than a million. An analysis of the outbound wedding ceremonies checked that the average number of outbound ceremonies is 25-35% among the total number of registered marriages. The analysis of middle-aged newlyweds, so the average age of men who married in 2020 amounted to 27-30 years, and women – 23-25 years. The number of wedding agencies and tourist operators that offer and organize wedding tours both in Ukraine and abroad are determined. Tourist destinations are analyzed for the organization of wedding tours that offer tourist enterprises of Ukraine. Tourist businesses offer wedding tours to Austria, Georgia, Mexico, Czech Republic, Montenegro, India, Spain and Cuba. Tourist enterprises are offered for expanding assortment policy and increase of volumes of sale to implement the implementation of complex wedding tours.


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How to Cite
Obolentseva, L., Pysareva, I., & Biloshapka, M. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE WEDDING TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (33).