Keywords: profit tax, accounting, object of accounting, accounting standards, tax legislation, tax calculations


The article is devoted to the study of regulatory and legal support for the determining and accounting of corporate profit tax and the identification of objects of accounting for this tax in the context of the its dual nature as an accounting and tax category. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special research methods and techniques, in particular methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, systematic and integrated approach, comparative analysis, monographic, abstract and logical are used. It is argued that only the correct determination of corporate profit tax as an object of accounting can ensure the generation of reliable and operational accounting and analytical information to disclose business processes and make effective management decisions on economic and financial issues of the enterprise operation. It is revealed that as an object of accounting, profit tax is formed on the basis of reflection in the accounting system of real and conditional facts of economic life related to the accrual and payment of this tax. Based on the study of the regulatory framework for the accounting of corporate profit tax, its main components as an object of accounting are identified and a comparative description of their content and features of recognition in the context of national and international accounting standards is given. It is shown that a full understanding of accounting procedures essence for a corporate profit tax involves a clear definition of the stages of calculation of the financial result before taxation according to accounting data. It is determined that the corporate profit tax as an accounting category should be considered through the prism of not only accounting standards but also tax legislation, which requires perfect knowledge of their features, as well as constant monitoring of regulatory changes and their timely implementation in the accounting and tax process at the enterprise. At the same time the basis of reliable reflection of profit tax in the financial statements is the coordination of its reflection in tax and accounting on the basis of the formation of relevant accounting policy of the enterprise for the accrual and payment of this tax.


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How to Cite
Boldovska, K., Kostenko, Y., & Khoroshylova, I. (2021). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE PROFIT TAX AS AN ACCOUNTING CATEGORY. Economy and Society, (33).