The article is devoted to the topical issues of defining modern methods of product advertising as a fairly effective marketing tool, as many modern advertising methods have emerged as a result of the creation of the Internet. Also today it is impossible to imagine the modern world without advertising. Advertising in the modern era is completely different from traditional advertising. The main objectives of the article are to study the main methods of advertising products, analyze their advantages and disadvantages and identify prospects for solving problems. Achievement of the set tasks was carried out by means of the following methods: system, comparative and analytical analysis. The most popular advertising methods today are analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The main trends of modern media consumption are studied. Based on current trends, the prospects for the development of new means of advertising that can increase the effectiveness of advertising methods. Audience media consumption has changed significantly over the past five years, with people increasingly spending time on social media, watching videos, and accessing the Internet most often from mobile devices. It is proposed to use more street art, ie creative advertising on houses and roads. The biggest advantage is that street art can make people stop to take a closer look and understand it. It is also proposed to introduce online quests with a small gain in the end on social networks. This, on the one hand, will increase the interest of users, and on the other, it will increase site traffic. Audio advertising, which is most popular in streaming video, can be quite effective. As the main advantage of the format, it should be noted that such advertising is placed in audio content, the consumption of which does not require interaction with the device. You can use display or banner remarketing to increase the effectiveness of audio advertising. Advertising should be made more influential, easier to remember and sometimes risky. Using the right advertising methods, you can create a magnetic brand that will attract customers, win audiences and generate revenue.
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