Keywords: marketing, entrepreneurship, product policy, sales policy, enterprise management strategies


Marketing activities nowadays play an important place in the enterprise management system. In conditions of high competition, companies must be able to promote their products and services so that the consumer remains satisfied. The purpose of this work is to determine and streamline the theoretical foundations of marketing product policy of the enterprise and create recommendations for its improvement. The article is devoted to the management of marketing activities at the enterprise with the help of the main tools of product policy. The study analyzes the necessary conditions and ways to improve goods and services in modern markets, provides recommendations for building effective strategies for marketing control of product policy, as well as highlights the main factors that may affect sales. On the example of the plant for the manufacture of household appliances "SATURN", located in the city of Cherkasy, it is determined what conditions are necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise, and as a result for maximum profits. There are also examples of how marketing policy is applied in enterprises, what methods and strategies are used in Ukrainian enterprises in comparison with foreign ones. The main tasks for optimizing the work of the enterprise are determined and the influence of the enterprise 's goods on its work is analyzed, the risks of the marketing commodity policy are determined. The study also identified the implications of marketing control over marketing policy, namely strategies that help businesses grow. Since the optimal functioning of the enterprise depends on the development and implementation of an effective and productive marketing product strategy, the article identified the consequences of non-compliance with these strategies. It is also established what role the socio-economic situation in the country and the range and nomenclature play in the development of commodity policy. The following research methods were used in the course of work: method of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, as well as system and functional methods.


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