The article is devoted to the theory and practice of quality management which in its historical development has gone through several stages, each of which has its own characteristics and patterns of development, which are tracked in the service and production activities of domestic and foreign enterprises. After all, the main purpose of all stakeholders involved in the production, circulation and supply of food and services is to guarantee consumers the safety and quality of food and services provided. Therefore, the issue of continuous work on improving the quality level for the ability to compete in the market and get the desired amount of profit is relevant and needs to be studied. Methods: methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, graphical, forecasting. Results. Determined peculiarities and regularities of development of quality management stages, formulated the content of this stages. Presented the results of application of the methodology of each of the stages that gave impetus to further improvement of quality management tools. Studied the essence and purpose of classical models of quality management. The quality management models considered in the article are the results of thorough scientific work of foreign scientists, who had a decisive influence on modern theory and practice of quality assurance and formed the basis of the concept of quality and became classical. Outlined promising vectors of quality management development in the changing conditions of the modern market of goods and services. The selected vectors of quality management are based on compliance with the requirements of international standards of the ISO series, and on the implementation of the principles of food safety management system HACCP. The practical value of this theoretical study lies in the definition of promising vectors of quality management, based on the experience gained in the process of historical retrospective development of quality management. The selected areas of quality management can be further used in quality management and service management, and the integration of innovative methods of product and service quality management in traditional approaches to product and service quality management will improve the quality of service and production activities of market operators as a whole.
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