One of the main directions of overcoming social tensions in society is a decent pension, which is one of the types of social guarantees of the state, provided by the legislation of Ukraine. Despite the three-tier pension system, the accumulative pension provision has been at the stage of discussion and development of normative legal acts for a long time. Under such conditions, there is a need to comprehensively consider the issue and identify areas for reforming the pension system and identify opportunities to use a risk-oriented approach to the strategy of forming a funded pension system. The article analyzes the existing problems of implementation of the accumulative pension system. The main advantages of developing and implementing a strategy for the formation of a risk-oriented system of funded pension provision are identified. It is determined that the strategy for the development of mandatory second-tier pension insurance should take into account all the requirements for its effective implementation. This is due to the fact that mistakes or omissions can lead to widespread public resistance, political and social risks, deteriorating macroeconomic situation and public finances. In addition, the identified strategic goals, identified problems, advantages of the implementation of the strategy of risk-oriented funded pension system made it appropriate to propose directions and indicators that will assess the effectiveness of future implementation of the strategy of risk-oriented funded pension system. Priority areas of evaluation should be considered evaluation: forms of effectiveness of public policy, economic justice in the income system, information security of the system of cumulative information support. The composition of indicators is proposed and substantiated to assess the effectiveness of future implementation of the strategy of forming a risk-oriented system of funded pension provision and offers recommendations for improvement, which will be the basis for determining the relationship between social interests and social risks that exist or may arise. A promising area of further research is to find ways to intensify and encourage the participation of citizens and employers in the development of the private pension sector, strengthening the role of the state in this process.
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