The article considers the concept of "green" economy, its main principles and objectives, as well as analyzes and substantiates the existing trends and prospects of this industry in Ukraine, taking into account the current state of its development and problems hindering the development of "green" economy at this stage. Problems with the irrational use of exhaustible natural resources, barbaric methods of doing business, aimed not at meeting consumer needs and product quality, but only at profit, using energy-intensive technologies with a high level of waste accumulation in the environment. At present, technological, economic, environmental and social problems of business determine the revision of the entire system of organization of the safe existence of society and ensure its well-being. Thus, the emergence of a "green economy" has become necessary for society, because this type of economy combines all spheres of life. The "green economy" is a unique economy that is accountable to society for the growth of its welfare, through the rational use of the opportunities of the surrounding world. Its peculiarity is that it cannot exist autonomously and is closely interconnected with the environmental, circular, ecological, feminist, social and bio-economies. They are complementary and inseparable, as each of them performs special functions in relation to the civilized development of society. The green economy is based on the principles of prosperity, justice, planetary boundaries, efficiency and sufficiency, and good governance. Such principles define new approaches to the development of the economy of an individual business entity and, in general, the national economy. The assessment of the development of the green economy combines indicators that should take into account assessments of the rational use of natural resources, the scale of emissions of industrial toxins into the environment and the number of enterprises whose economic activities are related to environmental development goals.
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