Keywords: tourism, tourist-recreational potential, prospects, SWOT-analysis, tourist infrastructure, Lviv region


The article highlights the current state of development of the tourism industry of Lviv region. It is noted that Lviv region is one of the most attractive and popular tourist and recreational regions of Ukraine. It is marked by positive and stable dynamics of development of the tourist industry during the last ten years. 25% of the entire historical and architectural heritage of Ukraine is concentrated in the territory of Lviv region – about 4000 monuments. It is shown that Lviv region occupies one of the leading places in Ukraine in the number of historical and cultural heritage sites that are of great interest to domestic and foreign tourists. Most monuments of history and architecture are located in the regional center, namely in Lviv (2500), as well as in other cities, such as: Zhovkva, Belz, Bibrka, Zolochev, Zhydachiv, Sambor, Drohobych. This is due to the long-term development of this area, remoteness from the theaters of war of the past, relatively high economic development and significant population density. The most popular excursion routes offered by travel companies are highlighted, and it is also noted that the diversity of natural conditions and the richness of ecological and recreational resources of Lviv region create favorable conditions for the development of ecological tourism. The article presents an indicator of tourist exchanges which reflects not only the peculiarities of tourist flows, but also their socio-economic impact on the development of international tourism in the region. According to the results, there is a predominance of outbound tourism over inbound among tourists from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Italy, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary, France, Croatia, Czech Republic and Montenegro. At the same time, the arrival of foreigners from the Russian Federation and the United States prevailed over the departure of local people abroad. The data of SWOT-analysis are given, which allowed to reveal the positive and negative sides of the tourism industry of the region, as well as to characterize the favorable opportunities and threats. The author states that the region has all the necessary prerequisites for the development of various types of tourism. Using its full tourist and recreational potential, Lviv region can become a strategically important cultural, political and economic region of Ukraine, which, at the same time, is the largest tourist, recreation and resort region of Western Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Nagirnyak, A. (2021). LVIV REGION AS A COMPONENT OF THE TOURIZM INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (30).