The paper considers the study of the development of the restaurant business, which is considered an important highly profitable component of the hospitality industry in Ukraine and in the world. In the current conditions of tough competition, it is very difficult for restaurant businesses to adapt to rapid changes in the external economic environment and increasing the demands of restaurant guests. Therefore, business process reengineering in restaurants is becoming increasingly relevant and practical, which is based on a new approach to doing business processes, allows domestic enterprises to actively develop and be competitive in both domestic and foreign markets for restaurant services. It has therefore become necessary to introduce innovative measures into the restaurant business, the most advanced of which are information restaurant technologies. Modern information technologies play a crucial role in business reengineering. They are the main tool for the formation of new opportunities for restaurant enterprises, the main factor in their success, which significantly change the activities of restaurants in accordance with modern market requirements and expectations of consumers of restaurant products. The introduction of information technologies allows restaurants to interact much more effectively with restaurant guests, suppliers of raw materials, to organize at a modern level the processes of obtaining and using food raw materials, cooking and providing quality services. The paper studies the practical experience of using information technologies in the implementation of the principles of business process reengineering by restaurants, analyses material and information flows in existing restaurants, which allowed obtaining a comprehensive functional model of the restaurant business. The construction of the AS-IS functional model allows to determine what processes are carried out in the restaurant business, what information tools are used, and reflects the relationship between the stages of the restaurant activities and the impact of each stage on the final result.
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