Keywords: distribution channels, distribution channel management, marketing research, wholesale, retail, budgeting


The purpose of the article is to carry out marketing research of distribution channels in the Ukrainian market. Marketing research of distribution channels is an extremely important stage that can provide the basis for effective management of distribution channels and become the key to successful business. The efficient functioning of distribution channels affects the system of economic relations between regions, industries, determines the ways of movement of goods in the country, thereby improving the territorial division of labor, achieving proportionality in the development of regions. This determines the relevance of the chosen research topic. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the study of scientific works of domestic scientists who have studied the distribution channels. The information base of the research is the materials of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the personal research of the authors. In the process of research general scientific and economic methods were used: monographic method (in statement of a problem and definition of conclusions); graphic method (to reflect the dynamics and structure of wholesale and retail trade in Ukraine over the past 10 years). The article considers the definitions of distribution channel, supply channel, traffic channel, sales channel. An algorithm for planning and analysis of sales of finished products as a guarantee of effective management of distribution channels is presented. Wholesale and retail trade are considered as important components of distribution channels. The main functions of wholesale and retail trade are covered. The marketing research of distribution channels in the domestic market is carried out. The dynamics of volumes and structure of wholesale and retail trade in Ukraine for the last ten years are analyzed. The share of sales of goods produced in Ukraine during the study period is shown. The current state of distribution channels in Ukraine is described and recommendations are provided to ensure the efficiency of their work in the face of pandemic-related restrictions.


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How to Cite
Korman, I., Semenda, O., & Osadchuk, N. (2021). MARKETING RESEARCH OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS. Economy and Society, (29).